Saturday, March 30, 2013


#30: Drumroll please....

Well, I feel like I should have some sort of climactic thing to end this little blog series on--like "Thomas can leap tall buildings in a single bound" or "he has successfully completed the gallon challenge." Fortunately, neither of those things are true (I don't think I'd want to be married to Superman and one word for the gallon challenge: GROSS). So, here goes.
One of the most wonderful parts of Thomas is his consistency. And in this season of life when there is a lot of routine and not a lot of jetting-off-to-Paris-at-the-drop-of-a-hat, having a husband who is constant and true is pretty much the best thing ever. He remains consistent and faithful in his roles as a Christ follower, a husband, a father, a friend, a family member, etc. I like that I can depend on him to remain true to who he is in a cultural milieu that is shifting quickly. I like that he goes 50-50 on nighttime wake-ups with me. I like that he does ridiculous things like pick up our dog and rock him as though he weighs 7 pounds instead of 70 (or maybe 75 now, with all the little treats L gives him). I like that I can count on him to always look for adventures in life and to always find the fun.
I have no doubt your 30s will be awesome, Thomas, and I can't wait to see what God does with them!
Happy 30th birthday, babe. You're my most favorite ever.

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