Friday, March 1, 2013


In honor of Thomas' 30th birthday coming up on the 30th, I am going to spend the month of March celebrating who he is by detailing one awesome thing about him every day. My goal is to steer clear of sappiness or things like "I love Thomas because he brings me peanut butter toast every morning" (although he does and I do love it) and to really look at who he is and how God has shaped him. So, this is a chance for you to get to know T if you don't know him all that well, or if you already know him, to learn something new or have it confirmed that he really is an awesome friend/son/brother/whatever. 

Without further ado, here is characteristic #1: He is a life-long learner.
I haven't been married for all that long in the grand scheme of things, but being married to someone who is always seeking to learn new things or answer random questions from the dinner table makes life a whole lot more interesting. For instance, last week I was preparing a lesson plan about the solar system and while I feverishly cranked out some materials, Thomas spent 20 minutes reading about Pluto on the iPad and sharing random facts with me. [One fact from this discovery session: Pluto the Disney dog was named after the planet Pluto since they were created/discovered at the same time.]
He is always reading articles or books or seeking out conversations with interesting people to help further his knowledge about X topic. And my favorite part about this constant learning quest is the humility that he brings to the table. If he doesn't know something, he never fakes it and acts like he already knew (one of my worst faults for sure). He just asks a question or listens, and then keeps rolling. It's awesome.
I am very thankful to the Lord for gifting him with this ability and to his family (parents in particular) and friends for helping to cultivate it.
July 4th weekend 2009. Sexxxxxxxxxy.

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