Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#12 on the 12th

[First off, I want to clear something up. In no way are these posts meant to suggest that Thomas is perfect or that our marriage is perfect. He's not, and it's not. I could probably write a whole month of posts about little things that drive me crazy, as I'm sure he could--if he had a blog. mwhaha. The good news, though, is that we are sinners, saved by grace, and we serve a redemptive and BIG God.]

Thomas is always interested in doing new things. Now, in our humble suburban lives, this doesn't always translate to something like eating Fugu or going to all night raves, but it's a general attitude about life that is refreshing and fun to be around. He likes to eat at new restaurants, or try new foods at old ones. He likes to try different sports or activities such as scuba diving, kayaking and crabbing, to name a few. He likes to go on adventures whenever and wherever (as evidenced by his proposal on an illegal island in the middle of Charleston Harbor when both of us look like drowned rats!)
Sometimes things like nap schedules and dogs who need daily walks can feel restrictive and confining, so it's especially nice that even in this fairly stable and predictable period of life, adventures and new things can happen, and even happen often.

Alpacas in downtown Chas--one of the more random encounters I've had
Waterskiing on the Ashley River
First hiking trip together--Mt. Mitchell, NC in 2007
Thomas photographing a bachelor night--note: it's December and they kayaked in the dark to Morris Island to spend the night

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