Monday, April 1, 2013

Oooh we're halfway there!

Well, at 19w4d, I thought it would be time for a little pregnancy update. If baby boy comes a couple of days early as L did, then we are exactly halfway. Yikes/woohoo! So far this pregnancy has been pretty similar to my first, except that I have been sicker and more tired (definitely blaming L for the second!). Mostly, though, I am feeling great and am slowly wrapping my mind around the idea of having a son. We have our big anatomy ultrasound a week from today, and I am very excited to see him again and make sure everything is okay.

 Foods I am loving:
-avocado on toast with a little honey mustard dressing
-cottage cheese
-almonds and dried cranberries
-palmetto cheese (pimiento cheese + jalapenos AMAZING) on corn tortillas
-fruit, fruit and more fruit
-yogurt, especially vanilla
-peanut butter toast
-salads (finally my desire for them has returned) with yummy dressings

Favorite treats:
-Chickfila milkshakes
-the fabulous gluten free cake my sister in law made for T's birthday
-mac n'cheese

Public service announcement:
-An anonymous someone (cough) told me that I'm carrying this baby much more widely than I carried Lillian. While this may be true, I will say that this is a comment probably no pregnant woman wants to receive, particularly during the few months where regular clothes are too tight and maternity clothes are too loose.
-I've also been told that I look way too small for how far along I am--again, a comment intended as a compliment but one that sends any pregnant woman into an immediate mental tailspin: "Something must be wrong with the baby!" Stick with the innocuous, "you look great!"
-I've had two strangers comment on my pregnancy. Totally fine, but bold move in the second trimester!

Belly button status
-A total outie by 17 weeks. WHAT THE WHAT. That's when things started to get took much longer for this to happen last time. L is mystified by my belly button (who can blame her?), which is pretty funny.

-Still my very favorite part of pregnancy. It is bizarre and awesome all at the same time. I have been feeling him move for a little over a month, but I am feeling him thump around a lot more often now. He went nuts during the Easter music yesterday. We are hoping for another music-loving bebe, and I can't wait for T to be able to feel the kicks and jabs. He was able to feel L at 20 weeks, so hopefully it will be soon.

The Big Sister:
-I get asked a lot how L is "handling the news." Handling? Um, she isn't. She sometimes likes to poke my belly and talk about the baby. But she will also do the same thing to T (HILARIOUS) and sometimes to herself, so I'm not really counting that as any of awareness. She is very into her baby doll these days though, and likes to "change her diaper," or feed her, or cover her with a blanket. Or, the extra loving touches like dropping her on the floor, flinging her around, carrying her in a plastic bag, and strapping her in her shopping cart to push around at 90 mph. At this point, we figure that talking about the baby, playing in her future room, etc, is about all that we can do. Oh, and attempting to reign in her insanely jealous streak when either of us picks up another child. ha.
This was taken at 18 weeks. L was in "tiny tyrant" mode here, as you can tell by her crazy face. Love that girl.

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