Monday, April 8, 2013

Hooray! He looks like a baby and not a squiggly peanut anymore.

If you are not into ultrasound pics, then this post is not going to be your bag, so to speak.
BUT you can rejoice with us that 2.0 looks healthy and happy, and is still a boy (phew!). I am washing tiny boy clothes, worrying about circumcision, and getting excited about the idea/reality of having a son. A son who will have bows put in his hair by his big sister (she already did this to the sweet son of some friends of ours), and who I'm hoping will have big brown eyes like his daddy's. His ultrasound pictures closely resemble Lillian's, and it shocked me when she was born how much she looked like those 20 week pictures.
We can't wait to meet you, Nameless Baby Boy, but we'd love it if you would cook for at least four more months so that maybe, just maybe, we can have a name selected and a nursery prepared (and a potty-trained big sister?? PLEASE OH PLEASE).

Baby feet are the best.

I hope this is the only time that I ever see pictures of the inside of his brain (but how cool is that level of detail??)

Check out the tiny arm next to his face! He's ripping bows out of his hair already.

Ah, the golden placenta glow

Sweet profile--he is fearfully and wonderfully made

Such a miracle--look at the spine!

1 comment:

  1. My husband wishes his parents had left him with his whole body. We kept our sons whole and interestingly many of our friends made the same decision...most of the world is intact. The risks don't out weigh the benefits. Just don't let anyone prematurely retract him and there is nothing to worry about or extra to care for. My mom worked in L&D and said that it was horrific and most nurses said they wouldn't do to future sons after knowing what they know now. One doctor in the practice we used even quit practicing over a circ gone wrong about the same time my son was born o.O Jesus' blood sacrifice makes circumcision no longer necessary and every body part was created with a purpose. Girls belong to their dad and boys love their mom (and heavy machinery) <3 It is much harder to name boys (IMO)! Half as many names to choose from it seems. If we have anymore little boys I don't know what we will do for a name.
