Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Recap

I've had a few people ask me how our Easter was, so I thought I'd check in with a quick post. In a nutshell, it was a blur. A fun and exhausting blur that ended with puke, to be exact. Lillian definitely has a penchant for getting sick around holidays--so far she has been sick over both Christmases and one Easter. Hoping she outgrows this trend...
Friday night we celebrated with a delicious dinner at my parents' house with some good family friends, the Dyllas. We started celebrating Easter with the Dyllas in 1996, when I was 10, and we're still at it 17 years later! Pretty amazing, especially considering that my parents and I live in Charleston and their kids live in Atlanta (Hillary was not able to make it from Hawaii, booo!). Anyways, we  had an epic egg hunt (428 eggs +4 adult children+ Lillian and sweet Ann put together L's Easter gift from my parents, a crazy coupe type car, and then became her best friend for the rest of the night.
Saturday was T's 30th, which started a little on the groggy side due to some nighttime antics from our wee lass. There was no special birthday breakfast since we basically woke up and ran around like crazy people so that we could make it to the zoo by 11--the zoo is 2+ hours away. We met T's sister and her family, along with his parents, and had a blast running around the zoo with the rest of the state of SC. Seriously, it was wall to wall people, especially around the more popular animals. L enjoyed climbing on the animal statues and running around with her cousin and grandparents, and would occasionally glance over at the animals. After the zoo we headed to Aiken for a birthday cookout, yummy cake, and more kid wrangling. By the time L finally went down at 9, T and I pretty much collapsed in bed ourselves since he is still fighting a nasty cold bug L brought home weeks ago(yay church nursery!), and I am wimpy and pregnant.
Easter is such an awesome holiday if you follow Christ. It's solemn and joyous, painful and glorious all at the same time. The fact that it's culturally centered around family and spring is also great, though it's tricky to keep the focus on the main thing, which is the incredible fulfillment of the gospel message. We went to a nice service on Sunday morning that used The Story to connect the events of Easter with the entirety of the Bible. It was very well done, though I missed getting to sing "Christ the Lord is risen today." L was in the beginning stages of meltdown mode when we picked her up from the nursery, which basically escalated through Easter lunch and culminated in Puke Fest 2013 all over the car seat just as we pulled out of the driveway to leave. Poor kiddo was so pitiful! She managed to sleep all the way home (even through 13 stoplights in Orangeburg!), was awake long enough to watch Finding Nemo--"feesh! feesh!"-- and then puke again, and went to sleep before 7. So, not the Easter Sunday we had planned for our sweet girl, but what can you do? We're pretty sure she was overtired since she has been fine the rest of the week--just extra sleepy.
Here is the only family photo we captured from the weekend #momfail. At least it's a cute one!
The tongue thing is new. Cute, though, right?

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