Monday, October 15, 2012

What, your neighborhood doesn't look like this right now?

Linking up with Carissa today!

[I blame "adjustments" in L's sleep schedule last week for my lack of blogging. A moment of silence for L's dearly departed, dearly beloved, morning nap.]

And now, on to tacky Halloween decor! My neighborhood is not very big, or at least our little section of it is small, but boy do we have our share of amazing Halloween decorations. (by the way, does anyone every mistype words ending in --tion and end up with words like "decoratinos" and feel like your subconscious is taking over in another language? No? Just me?)

For your viewing pleasure, a sampling of the yards in our neighborhood during the month of October.

We're thinking some sort of Middle Ages theme here--perhaps "ring around the rosy" with Plague victims? I think the dying plant in the background is a nice touch, too.
Okay, so these people went fall/harvest theme rather than Halloween. Not so bad. Almost cute. Still kitschy though, and therefore still part of this blog post. 
There is a lot going on in a few square feet. Let's break it down: plastic battle axe (at least they skipped out on putting fake blood on the side, +1 point for them); creepy skeleton tombstones x3  because it is all about QUANTITY; ghost lights--least offensive part; lone hay bale (too bad they can't borrow some of the children of the corn from the previous picture); and orange lights in the tree--meh, but Halloween lights< Christmas lights.  

"Alas poor Yorick; I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy."  It was fairly hilarious watching this mother daughter pair stab various limbs into the ground and position the tombstones "just so."        

Ah, the crown jewel yard. In case you can't read the sign, the top reads "Mummy and me playtime at 1 pm."There are also skeletons playing "Croac" quet. Plus a fake dead tree with cutesy pumpkin lights, a tiny graveyard (YAWN, so pedestrian), and a fence wrapped in cobwebs. Keep in mind, this is ONE part of the yard. 
Ooh rhyming words! Happy ghouls frolicking in a prop-less john boat across the yard from the "croak" quet players. Also, note the big eyes in the background. They glow at night.
"Bat" minton. Perhaps a witch onlooker. I wonder which one she's rooting for.
Another angle on these guys. Maybe those are tomato plant supports inside our "batminton"-playing ghosts? Pretty impressive. 
This is what a TASTEFULLY DONE house looks like.  Fall wreath, check. Sweet lil pumpkin, check. Appropriate quantity and color of mums, check. Good job neighbors.

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