Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Apparently I'm into numbered lists these days. Maybe it's a type of organization subconsciously designed to compensate for the chaos that is the rest of my life?
 Here are seven things about Elliott at seven months old (See what I did there? Cleverness abounds).

1. He is strong and very determined, despite an overall laid back personality. He wants desperately to crawl, but instead of the standard position of rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, he pulls himself into a plank position and flings his body forward. He manages to move, and always looks so pleased to find himself somewhere new.
2. Eating. At 23 pounds, homeboy hasn't skipped too many meals. He eats three solid meals per day and nurses 5-6 times. Whenever he cries, Lillian always says "baby el-we-ut wants to eat," and she is usually right.
3. We dedicated him to The Lord on Sunday with our good friends the Tates, who have girls within a couple months of our kiddos. It was a sweet time where we publicly declared our intention to raise him in Christ and the church body promised to support us. At this point, since Elliott obviously can't decide for himself what he believes, we have vowed to show him what a saving knowledge of Jesus looks like, as Christ works in us to do this. Pretty exciting stuff! Sadly, I have no pictures of this, but he was very smiley and we unintentionally managed to coordinate with the Tates so the kids matched in shades of aqua blue.
4. Baby Elliott loves toys, and Lillian alternately loves and hates that he is down on the floor playing "with" her often these days.
5. He has beautiful blue eyes and wispy brown hair that either looks spiky like L's did, or like a little old man combover.
6. Mr. Chubs wears 12 month, 12-18 month or 18 month clothing. I am thankful for a healthy, growing boy even though it is difficult to dress him in this NEVER ENDING WINTER because he has already outgrown 90% of his winter clothing. Ahem.
7. He is a social little guy with plenty to say and lots of smiles. Given his big sister's propensity for talking, I'm definitely glad that he wants to be in the mix.  He also has an awesome belly laugh that doesn't take too much prompting.

Posing at the library. Seems unsure about how sanitary the carpet is. Me too, buddy, me too. 

Blurry, but there is the plank!

Seriously, how redneck-y are we?? Sullivan is the black blob on the couch

More almost crawling
Tiny superhero!

Not quite the same as when he was a newborn, but still adorbs

He LOVES Thomas

Kid is going to lay the smackdown on his first birthday cake

Seriously squishy--cheeks and fingers especially. 

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