Monday, March 10, 2014

2.5 and 6 months

Just so I remember...

Lillian at 2.5  full of life; talks non-stop; remembers everything; loves school and especially her teacher Miss Angela; loves her baby brother sometimes sweetly and sometimes aggressively; loves her "munity group" friends; dislikes sleeping or being still; finally loves toys (esp. blocks, stuffed animals and "hard Minnie") and always wants to share with mommy and daddy; has just started playing independently for short periods Praise the Lord; loves to "run FAST" and "jump HIGH" with daddy; loves all of her grandparents and talks about them constantly; only takes showers; can actually be helpful; loves to play outside; loves pretending to read but doesn't like being read to (SOB); eats pretty well but would live on pretzels if we'd let her; always wants to do fun things "o-gin"; alternates between telling us that Daniel Tiger isn't real and saying things like "tiger-tastic"; can climb pretty much everything at the park; loves going to the grocery store and the 'quarium; changes clothes constantly; loves to wear stripes; loves to make people laugh; sings often; and is generally the joyful and compassionate little girl we have always prayed for

Elliott at 6 months roller extraordinaire; lover of food--to the tune of 12-16 cubes of baby food PER DAY plus nursing; unsuccessful crawler; purveyor of sweet smiles, shrieks and laughs; lover of big sister; grabber of everything (immediately into mouth, especially L's favorite hard Minnie); successful sitter with the occasional topple; willing stroller and car seat rider; inconsistent napper but doing much better at night; charmer of all; fabulous snuggler; wearer of 12-18 month clothing (did I mention that he loves to eat?); bearer of a beautiful smile and a terrific number of fat rolls; excitable yet content

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