Monday, May 13, 2013

Top Ten Things about being due in the summer

In "honor" of the number of comments I have received lately about our "terrible timing" and "wow you're going to be hot," I am presenting ten great things about being pregnant (think third trimester) in the summer. Having done this once before (L's bday is 8.31.11), I feel pretty qualified to make this list. And when I am grousing about being hot and uncomfortable later this summer, I will be sure to refer back to it!

1. Kiddos are a gift at any time. We "intended" for both of our babies to be born in the spring so that we didn't have to worry about holding them back or sending them early to school, and both times we had to wait on the Lord's timing. And both times we will have to make big decisions about whether to make them the oldest or youngest kids in their class. Oof. God's timing is perfect, though. Thomas also loves that his birthday season is entirely his own, unlike mine (see #8).

2. CLOTHES. Being pregnant in the summer is so easy clothes-wise! A few high-waisted dresses, a couple of elastic band skirts, a few pairs of drawstring shorts and some size-up shirts, and summer preggos are good to go. I love not having to rely on maternity stores for my clothes because a) they are expensive and b) the selection is much more limited.

3. The pool. When you are carrying a couple of extra pounds and are achy and uncomfortable, few things feel better than a good soak in the pool. Summertime is obviously the easiest way to accommodate this.

4. It's hot anyway. Whether you are pregnant, or not, Charleston is hot during the summer. Crazily enough, this will be my seventh summer here and my second pregnant summer, and honestly, there isn't much difference. For this Colorado girl, miserable levels of heat and humidity are rough regardless of some extra weight.

5. Frozen treats. So, we've established that summers here are on the warm side. So popsicles, ice cream, smoothies, milkshakes (I could go on) are a welcome addition to any day. And when you're pregnant, it's okay to have a few extra treats each week. In fact, the baby probably needs them. :)

6. Holidays. Nope, I'm not referring to 4th of July, Memorial Day or Labor Day. If you count backwards nine-ish months from August, you can expertly deduce that both of our babies were conceived during the glorious Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday season. With Lillian, we found out on December 23 that she was on the way, and with NamelessBabyBoy, we found out on December 11th. We were able to tell both sets of parents at EXACTLY THE SAME MOMENT (v. important) on Christmas Eve in 2010 and 2012, making Christmas all the more special each time.

7. While making decisions about when to start them in school is already stressful, the teacher in me loves the symmetry of beginning a new school year and beginning a new life.

8. My family's birthdays are heavily concentrated in August/September, so what's a few more? No, seriously, let me explain: my birthday is August 21, NamelessBabyBoy's due date is August 22, my grandmother's birthday is August 26, Lillian's birthday is August 31, my sister's birthday is September 5, and my mom's birthday is September 8. Crazytown, right? I sortof break out in a cold sweat just reading this list. It is a really fun few weeks though, and I am excited about adding a boy birthday to this conglomerative celebration of Important Females in my Life. Plus, for a momma who isn't a gifted party planner, can you say joint birthday parties?

9. Late summer babies are really fun the next summer at the pool and other summer activities. At the beginning of last year's pool season, Lillian was sitting really well and crawling/pulling up. And by the end of it, she was running all around the pool and the park. It was so much fun to watch her put her new skills in action in the water, at the splash pad, etc.

10. While any newborn comes with worries about health and safety, we don't have to worry (as much) about things like flu season and nasty wintertime germs when the babies are itty bitty.

So there you have it: going through your third trimester in the summer does have its advantages. To quote the Dowager Countess, "stick that in your pipe and smoke it," all you comment-makers!

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17

September 2, 2011 (first day home!)

Linking up with Carissa:

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree...although I have to admit (since I didn't have a choice) being pregnant here was absolutely delightful :) I never felt nearly as gross as I did but most of that I think was the lack of sweating in general :)
