Friday, May 31, 2013

Toddler Taxis, Third Trimester and other thoughts

*linking up here

1.  Sometimes I think that I need a large sticker on my back window that says "Toddler on Board." This might explain certain changes in acceleration, tiny swerves, etc. I'm not sure if it's just my kid, but Lillian enters full on Tiny Tyrant mode every single time she is in the car for the entirety of the ride. We recently turned her around just because it is so much easier, and likely safer, for me to fulfill her endless needs
The demands are constant: more snacks, milk, water, pouch, shoes, nakey.
 The complaints are plentiful: "Tight! Bright (usually accompanied with a request for my "gasses" or a hat)! Hot! Cold!
The requests are unending: music (often a particular track on the ONE CD SHE WILL LISTEN TO IN THE CAR), book, toy, etc. Today she was mimicking what we do when we blow out a candle, so before she hyperventilated, I was able to ascertain that she wanted the library book we got that has a candle on one page.
She has great taste in music at home--translation: she will happily listen to whatever we want--but in the car it is one CD and one CD only. Occasionally I will attempt to sneak in a different CD or (gasp) the radio, but she screams bloody murder and I chicken out. Suffice it to say, we never just pop into the car for a joy ride or a relaxing little road trip. The only purpose of a car ride is to get somewhere fun, and it's worth it. But phew. I think the worst job in the world would be a toddler taxi driver.

2. Well, we have made it to Trimester #3. Today I am 28 weeks and 1 day. Baby Boy is over 2 pounds and 14 inches long, aka he is constantly kicking my ribs, punching my bladder and sometimes attempting to burst through my bellybutton. I love it! And the belly has definitely grown to prove it. I am being approached by newborn photographers in the grocery store; being told by a neighborhood 9 year-old how big my belly is; and have outgrown the majority of my regular shirts.
Preparations have shifted from dreamily discussing names and buying tiny striped outfits (can't get enough of the stripey baby boy clothes) to "what in the world are we going to name this kid" and "should we buy a double stroller now" and "what kind of video monitor should we get." In other words, it's getting real. And we are excited! Lillian daily gives my  belly knuckles and high fives, plus the occasional hug and kiss. Obviously she has no clue what is about to happen to her (bless her little heart) but it's fun to see her try and comprehend what we are telling her.

3. Speaking of baby, some wonderful friends from community group are throwing a triple "sprinkle" on Sunday for us and two other couples that we are doing life with (aka got married the same year, had baby girls the same summer, etc.)  The "Baby Que" will basically be a giant pool party and cookout with some of our favorite people and we are really looking forward to it.
I am pumped about the hostess gifts, one of which is not a surprise and therefore bloggable. We bought each hostess a print from this cute shop.They came in the mail today (THANK GOODNESS) and I think they turned out great.

4. I have been on a historical kick recently and have been reading lots of biographies and biographical novels (all links from Amazon). Some people tell me they don't have time to read, but I maintain that you have time for what you truly want to do. And if I don't read regularly, I go crazy.

5. And, just because she is cute:
Two of L's wonderful grandparents recently gifted us with a wagon and after working out a few kinks (aka they had to send us another axle b/c the first one was too small so the wagon lived in the family room as a "boat" for several weeks), we are tearing up the neighborhood.

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