Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 Things on Thursday

Thursday Thoughts (catchy, right?)

1. My husband just informed me that we're getting an H & M downtown and I am excited! Shopping there always reminds me of my semester abroad--in Vienna, you say "Ha und M."

2. I just ate a snack of chocolate ice cream and carrots. The energy it takes to chew carrots cancels out the ice cream carton dregs, right?

3. Nicole Kidman was on a Sesame Street episode that L and I watched this week, which immediately drove me into the arms of the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. I went through a *bit* of an obsession with this movie in high school, and my sister and I listened to the soundtrack nonstop in the car. I am pretty excited about seeing Baz Lurhmann's latest and have dropped major hints about this for our next date night. Wouldn't seeing Gatsby be a great theme date with some fun 1920s cocktails? Well, no cocktails for me, but someone else should do it!

4. Switching gears to a more serious topic, the Ohio case with Ariel Castro and his three victims almost made me throw up this morning. The thought of something like this happening to someone I love--particularly my sweet and innocent daughter--is beyond horrifying. Now, depending on your worldview, you can respond to this case in one of two ways: one, how could God allow something like this to happen and how can people be so evil? Or two: this world is sick and people are in desperate need of a Savior--anyone of us has the capacity to do something like this. And before you get defensive and say that you could never do something like that to another person, I'll say that I agree with you--I don't think that I could given my circumstances and situation. BUT the moment we start thinking that we don't have the capacity for x sin or y depraved thing is the moment we forget about grace and Jesus' blood and the moment we start thinking that we aren't really so bad after all. And then pride takes a foothold and Jesus slips away and boom, we are somewhere we don't want to be. All that to say, pray for those poor women. Pray for their families. Pray that justice would be done and that healing would come in torrents. We serve a big God. And then check out organizations like the A21 Campaign and IJM.

5. Okay, #5 was going to be a blurb about homeschooling, but the blurb was quickly becoming a novel so I'm going to save this one for another post. So I'll leave you with a Lillian story instead. If you've been reading my blog for a few months, then you know that L is a tornado. Not particularly interested in toys, very interested in wreaking havoc and strewing any and all household items around. Her latest favorite is the back of my bathroom cabinet, aka the storage place of all things "female" that I currently don't need, if you catch my drift. This means that our bathroom is strewn with dissected tampons, pantyliner "stickers" ("Mama! 'tick! 'tick!") and wrappers of all kinds. Poor T hates these items with a passion and spends his time grumbling and stepping around them like they're little bombs, even though they are perfectly clean. (love you babe!).


  1. My boys are obsessed with tampons too! What's this? S always asks. And Reed just carries them around. Sigh....

    1. Kids are so funny! I'll bet it bothers Peter as much as it bugs Thomas!
