Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014 was a great day for a number of reasons.

We started the day with Winnie the Pooh. The old school, 1970s Winnie the Pooh that I grew up watching. I love the way she says "Pig-eh-wet" and "Winnie DA Pooh." And of course "Wabbit" and "Tiguh."
Yep, she watches TV pretty much every morning. Sorry we're not sorry?

Later, we painted nails. Lillian would do this activity every morning if I'd let her, but my nerves are only up for it about once a week. She loves to paint nails with my mom, too. Thank goodness. If you've ever painted nails with a wiggly two year old, you'll know there is lots of cajoling and threatening involved as you paint teeny-tiny surfaces that are continually moving and smearing.
The color is "Green with Envy." And I'm sure you feel just that way about our AMAZING carpet.

Then Elliott went down for a nap and Lillian requested (read: demanded) some strawberry pancakes. While this wasn't what I had envisioned for the morning, I tell her "no" so often that sometimes it is fun to say yes just for the heck of it. In true toddler fashion, she ate three bites and declared them to be "yucky," but I thoroughly enjoyed them. So much so, apparently, that I didn't take a picture.
Next up was painting with some new Walmart supplies. Looking at this picture is probably more fun than the actual activity, which takes a good bit of set up, clean up and supervision (the Toddler Trifecta for measuring how worthwhile an activity is), but it is fun to watch her create and play with color.

My sweet girl hard at work.

Around 11, a friend texted and asked if we wanted to go to the beach. Since Lillian had pretty much run through all of my ideas for the day in about two hours, I figured why not? So after a little lunch and some careful packing up of the usual suspects (snacks, toys, diapers, etc.), we headed to Isle of Palms for Elliott's inaugural beach trip.

This guy loves the beach, ridiculous hat and all.
Especially the consumption of sand. 

Proof that I was there
L and her slightly tacky tutu swimsuit. She was really excited to be there, which was fun.

BUT the most important reason why this day was special....

WAS THE ARRIVAL OF MY NIECE, HAILEE MAE SANDBACH!! After 22 hours of labor in the hospital--not including BEFORE checking in to L and D--this sweet little girl made her way into the world (such a beautiful euphemism that in no way captures what it's really like!) and made my little sister a mommy! When I actually get the chance to sit down and think about this, it makes me cry. She is already a miracle and I can't wait to watch her grow up. And good job making it through a long and frustrating labor, Hillary. I am so proud of you! I am counting down the days until June when I will finally get to meet Miss Hailee Mae. Lillian is really excited about "Aunt Hurry's baby," and someday Elliott will know how awesome it is that he has a cousin who is only 7.5 months younger than him. 
I definitely think she looks like her mommy! Sweet face! And apparently there is a dimple that I can't wait to see!

Yep, that's my sister holding a baby. Her baby. Amazing!

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