Thursday, April 29, 2010


Deep within my soul, I yearn to be spontaneous. But everywhere else, I vacillate between obsessively planning things out and lazily letting things go as they will (NOT the same thing as being spontaneous in my opinion).
So yesterday, when Thomas sent me a message on gmail-chat from work about a posting he'd seen regarding an 11 week old black lab puppy who needed a home, I immediately thought "yes! A chance to be spontaneous! To be free spirited and whimsical!" Thomas and I had been talking about getting a dog for a few months, but we wanted to wait until the timing was better. Well, lo and behold, the timing never got better--our summer trip was pushed back a week further into July, school starts in August, etc. So I figured that the only way a dog was going to happen would be if it were a spontaneous, random and joy-filled moment (To some extent, I feel the same way about kids, by the way).
And yesterday was that moment! In the span of about 8 hours, we went from hypothetical dog people to actual dog people. We spent absurd amounts of money getting him shots, a crate, a toy and some food. We chose between the names Samson and Sullivan (the latter won out).
Now he is curled up next to my desk chair, dreaming the day away and putting out the delightful odor of SlightlySweatyDog.
And we couldn't be happier.*
*please remind me of this in a few months when cleaning up accidents and saying "NO!" has become less enjoyable and more overwhelming.


  1. So cute!!! I am definitely scheduling a visit when I'm back in Charleston (for good!)...only we aren't telling Landon because he wants a lab puppy more than anything and this would only encourage him. :)

  2. I agree: spontaneous is the best way to do it! My spur-of-the-moment puppy (okay he's not entirely a puppy anymore) is sprawled out snoozing right by me, too :)
