Thursday, April 8, 2010

books and such

A spectacular Jeopardy question for the category, Great Works of Literature in Haiku. We keep a daily calendar of Jeopardy questions (in the can, of all places) which are alternately encouraging (hey! I do know something!) and discouraging (am I really that dumb?).

Everybody Wang
Lung tonight and
The Buck stops here.

I didn't get the answer because I immediately started singing the song that brought to mind, but my brilliant husband did. We then proceeded to argue/have a spirited discussion about The Good Earth. Thomas claimed it as "the worst book ever," which I disagreed with since I just finished listening to a Jodi Picoult book called Vanishing Acts--truly, the Worst Book Ever. I actually found myself shouting at the characters as I drove.

1 comment:

  1. Books on tape sound like a brilliant idea for my many road trips this summer to DC!

    Also you should come visit. I just got a kickass apt in Friendship Heights!

    I have a tear-off calendar of Office quotes in my bathroom. It always brightens my mornings :)

    Also please tell me where you acquired said Jeopardy tear-off calendar. I neeeeeed it.
