Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In which I ponder various things

Item #1:
Thomas never remembers his dreams, so when he woke up this morning and told me that he'd had some strange dreams, I was instantly curious. He then related a semi-coherent narrative, the essence of which was that he had dreamed about turning in his thesis late and then failing it.
Wait a minute...
I wrote a thesis, not Thomas! I instantly felt guilty that my stress over the last month(s) about this silly document had somehow translated into a series of stressful dreams for my poor husband. Moral of the story: when I get stressed and/or selfish (sometimes they seem to be one and the same), it affects Thomas, which is something that I should be conscious of since I'm sure that future situations (CHILDREN) will only exacerbate this tendency.

Item #2:
I am currently taking a boot camp class sent up through my church that consists of 4-5 women and an instructor. One woman this morning shared that her youngest child (of 4) is graduating from college in two weeks and that she is getting divorced after 25 years, leading to a progression of "do I still have value" type questions. Her purpose in telling us this was not to garner pity or emphasize what a strong woman she is, though obviously I do a) think she is strong and b) wish that the situation were different. Instead, she said that she is telling every young mom she sees to not completely forget about herself and her own interests while she is raising kids, b/c someday they will be grown and gone. She emphasized the importance of investing time in your husband, even when the kids are around and life is chaotic. While her advice is not directly applicable for me or my current situation, I appreciate the spirit it was given in and also imagine that she knows what she's talking about. It's food for thought, anyways, and I am going to try to remember to say a few prayers for her.

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