Monday, July 6, 2009

We all have our limits...

...but how often do we actually encounter them? In my experience, things happen that I don't care for or that I wish were not happening, but it is rare for me to actually feel and know that I am at the edge of what I know myself to be capable of handling. Cue Cold Mountain and a 4th of July backpacking trip.
The trip itself was mostly delightful--Thomas and I met up with a dear dear friend from college (Alli) and her PT school friend Betsy. The food was great, the weather was beautiful, everyone was healthy...and the hike kicked my butt! We were in the Pisgah region of the Blue Ridge and hiked up to 6030 feet, the top of Cold Mountain (yes, the one from the book and the movie). It was an arduous climb and descent to say the least, and I am even more grateful now for a loving and encouraging husband who responded in appropriately supportive ways to me when I said little gems like "Just leave me here" and "I'm never going backpacking again." Needless to say, I am happy to laugh at myself for being a drama queen and delighted to know that the Lord is truly the one who sustains us. And seeing Alli was truly wonderful. :)
Oh, and in another stellar move from the weekend, I almost caused us to run out of gas. in the middle of nowhere, NC. on windy mountain roads. near campgrounds displaying as much dixie paraphenalia as they can fit. oy vey. It's good to be home!

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