Monday, July 13, 2009

sand + laundry= sandry?

So, Thomas and I were lucky enough to hit up the beach twice this weekend (the joys of living on the coast!) embarrassingly enough for pretty much the first time this summer. Better late than never I suppose.
As glorious as the beach is--waves! swimming! interesting sea critters! sun! sand!--cleaning up from it is a pain. After coming home with approximately 622 bags/pieces of clothing/various beach items, we promptly dumped them into the laundry room and went off to relax (appreciate the irony of relaxing after a beach afternoon here). Washing all of the sandy stuff is not a problem. Rather, it is the 435993534875 particles of sand that get EVERYWHERE in 2. 5 seconds that creates the major problem. I was less than pleased today when I dumped a clean, dry load of clothes into a laundry basket that was coated with a fine layer of sand on the bottom. Definitely a doh! moment. So, if you find sand in your nice clean clothes this week Thomas, just think of it as a nice exfoliating treatment and remember the nifty star fish* you found and smile.

*T. discovered a star fish in a little tidal pool and brought it over to me to look at. On our way back to the tidal pool, he lost a leg trying to escape. It was totally bizarre--one minute the leg was there, the next minute, plop! into the sand. Operation Rescue was otherwise successful though.

1 comment:

  1. I assume it was the starfish that lost a leg and not Thomas. Couldnt figure-out why Thomas would be trying to escape, unless he's affraid of sand. Ahhhh, sand... the gift that keeps on giving... and itching... and scratching stuff... and getting into places you didn't know existed...
