Friday, July 10, 2009

of mice and men

This morning I trotted off to the Toyota dealership for a routine oil change and tire rotation--aka Pay a Lot, Wait a Lot, and Expect lots of Little Extra Charges. "Well, m'am we have found (insert x problem here) and if you don't pay money and fix it right now, your car will probably explode into 80 million pieces. But otherwise, it's totally up to you. "
Today was no different.
An hour and a half after giving them my keys, the gentleman helping me brings over some sort of air filter from the car. Only instead of just being dirty and gross, there was a NEST in it. Little bits of twig and hair and FUR. Mouse fur was the expert guess of the Toyota guy. He followed up with a few questions about if I park in a garage, and then advised me to switch around my parking place since sometimes mice can cause "wiring problems." Not to mention general GROSSNESS and smelliness. So my problem is that I park somewhere different every day....leaving my overactive imagination to wonder where this SuperMouse is living. Where will he pop up next?

1 comment:

  1. Ash that's awesome! I had the same problem with the Honda place here...every time I go it's like, "soooo, your car needs new shocks and brakes and probably you should just buy a new car...btw, that'll be $40 for the oil change" that took approximately 2 hours to do. Fantastic.

    How are things? I'm going to a low country broil today!
