Friday, June 12, 2009

and we're off!

So, blogging is something that I have been considering for awhile. My major concerns were: a creative blog name, that my life is not interesting enough (aka I'm not abroad and not a mom with 10 kids running around the house saying cute things), lack of time, etc. Thomas has sweetly been encouraging me to overcome these potential obstacles, and today, in the midst of pilates class, inspiration struck in the form of a blog title and my thoughts snowballed from there.
And when I say "snowballed," I mean literally, since the blog name is inspired by skiing. I wanted a name that would reflect my beloved Colorado roots while at the same time embracing my new-ish last name. So if you were thinking (fearing) that this blog is going to be a daily report on our shower habits, you can now relax. My actual plan is to work within the constructs of two quotations. The first is from Laura Ingalls Wilder...

"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all."

...and the second is from an 18th century writer named George Herbert:
"Though I fail, I weep;
Though I halt in pace
Yet I creep
To the throne of grace."

Profoundly simple and profoundly true--these thoughts demarcate the edges of my world view (sorry for the rhyme) and I hope to build on these in future posts.

BUT, lest you fear that all posts will be serious and quotation-driven, here is a little anecdote from this morning.
My Pilates instructor, a dear, sweet older woman, chose to wear a pair of hip-hugging spandex pants to class this morning. She pulled off the outfit well, even impressively, but then disaster struck. In the middle of a roll up exercise (lying on the floor, limbs fully extended in a straight line, you roll from your back into a seated position), these limegreen pants somehow slippped down. And I saw her entire rear end every time I rolled up. It was horrifying and hilarious at the same time. Fortunately she realized it eventually and gave a semi-discrete tug. I pretended like I didn't notice, but I was DYING to know if others around me noticed the great fall.

1 comment:

  1. speaking of the great fall, it's not your limegreen yoga pants, but your voice that is silenced (for the moment)

    how will you control those energetic boys in sunday school tomorrow? perhaps you can quickly learn sign language and get them interested in learning it as well?

    as always - go get em!!!

