Saturday, January 25, 2014

Two days in a row--STOP THE PRESSES

So, I think that part of my problem is blogging is that I visualize having a huge chunk of uninterrupted time in which the words flow from my fingertips and pictures magically insert themselves between pithy anecdotes and insightful observations...but yeah. Ain't nobody got time for that with two small children, a needy dog and a husband I like to spend time with. As such, I resolve to take what time I have and stop holding myself to such high and unrealistic standards. This is going to be a quick one because Elliott is waking up from a nap and Lillian is running around pants-less with a sock on her hands singing happy birthday to one of her Little People, and it's only a matter of time before she realizes that I'm not devoting 100% of my attention to her.

Here are a couple of quick "Lillian-isms" that we are currently amused by:
Ever since Elliott was born, L has called him Baby Ayyyyyye. It's terribly cute, especially when she draws it out. For instance, as she "accidentally" jumps into his crib:  "Bah-bee Ayyyyyyy is wakin' up MoMMMY. " Then, all of a sudden, she started calling him Elliott--really, it sounds like "El-weee-ut." Adorable. But now I find myself missing the way she said baby ayyye. The classic parental conundrum. You want your kids to grow and learn and change and do new things, but you can't help but miss some of the things they grow out of.

And in case this was getting too sappy, Lillian's favorite word these days is "nipple." She uses it as often as possible and loves to tell us that "nipples are my favorite." She recites it in a list of body parts like an ear or an eye and makes up songs. We frequently remind her that she can only discuss them with mommy or daddy (or defenseless E) since we don't want her to be responsible for "educating" her preschool class and/or shocking other adults who don't want to be manhandled by tiny toddler fingers.
It's always something, that's for darn sure.

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