Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Julia Child, I'm not

Two quick sidebars before I begin my real post:

1. Sometime this week or next weekend I will blog about our anniversary trip (which was AWESOME!), so prepare yourselves for a glut of pictures and exclamation points.
2. I wanted to put up a cute "I voted" picture of L, but in true Lillian fashion, about five minutes after we voted ,she had managed to rip her sticker and mine off and crumple them into unrecognizable blobs of paper, which she then "shared" with me. But, we did vote and it was awesome and patriotic and L made about 150 new friends as we stood in line for an hour. Go America.

After we voted, we hit up the ole grocery store. I decided to shop in a clockwise route rather than my normal counter-clockwise direction. I know, I know, it's a crazy life out here in the 'burbs. Just a word to the wise though, if you ever want to switch up your grocery store patterns, DON'T. I think it took me twice as long to gather everything and I felt off-kilter the whole time. Now, part of the problem was that I spent at least 10 minutes looking for minced garlic in a jar. When I couldn't stand it any more, I asked one of the kind check out ladies where this delightful time saver might be found. She had no idea, but the woman at self checkout did. She was one of the moms from my old school, so we exchanged brief pleasantries. (note: she was always very nice to me, but I was always glad that our encounters were brief and I knew that things would be different if I had a child in her daughter's class...). Back to the garlic: I'm slightly wild-eyed now and L is attempting to climb out of the race car cart, and the mom offers this helpful yet somewhat snide remark:
"I think I remember seeing the jars of minced garlic in the produce section by the fresh garlic. I mean, I've never bought one, but I think I've seen them there."

Isn't that great?? I love how she helped out (she was absolutely right on their location!) and managed to imply that her cooking was superior (fresher, at least) to mine. I wasn't mad or annoyed, but just amazed at how easy it is to not build someone up and to glorify ourselves instead. Thank goodness for a gracious God and a Bible that recognizes our sin nature and need for a Savior. 

Now, I'm off to cook something with my jarred garlic...

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