Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lillian's Birth Story, Part 1

39 weeks 0days

I've been wanting to write this down since the 31st so that I don't forget all of the little details that I want to remember and share with Lillian someday.

*A word of warning though--if you dislike terms like "cervix position" and "dilation," then this may not be the series of posts for you!

Lillian's official 40 week due date was September 4. At 35.5 weeks, in early August, I was already 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. With this kind of early progress, plus the knowledge that I was born at 36.5 weeks (I actually attended one of my own baby showers), I was sure that we would be meeting her closer to 37 weeks than to 40 weeks. HA. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
My three subsequent doctor's appointments--36.5, 37.5 and 38.5 weeks--found me in exactly the same state. Cue feelings of frustration, especially considering the amount of walking, birth ball bouncing and painful contractions I had been having. Obviously I wanted her to "finish cooking" and to not come until she was ready, but I was still feeling pretty impatient. I kept describing it to people as feeling like I was (or we were) at the top of a roller coaster, and I was just ready to meet her and figure out what the new normal was going to be. Thomas and I spent those 3 weeks doing a lot of resting, finishing up last minute projects, watching Scrubs and taking Sullivan for all sorts of walks. We went to the beach every weekend so that Sullivan could frolic in the surf, chase birds and generally be outrageously silly. Thomas was able to attend a Guster concert on August 20. We celebrated my birthday on August 21, went out for dinner with our community group, ate several meals with my parents
Week 39 rolled around on Sunday, August 28 and I worked hard to curb my impatience and enjoy the remaining weeks before life turned upside down. On the morning of Tuesday the 30th, I went for a long beach walk on Isle of Palms with my mom and Sullivan. I was having contractions on and off, but nothing that interesting or consistent, so I tried not to make much of it. These on and off "pressure waves" continued all day. Thomas came home from work that evening and we ate dinner and walked the dog. At about 9:30 that night--normally about my bedtime--I got this incredible burst of energy and started cleaning like a crazy person. I cleaned the floors downstairs, started a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen counters and attacked our sinks and countertop in the bathroom. Thomas took one look at my frenzied efforts and quietly started packing up the camera equipment and last minute items for our hospital bag. My contractions seemed to be coming a little more regularly, but I still didn't want to time them since I had been disappointed before.
We fell into bed around 11pm and I told Thomas that I had a feeling this was going to be the night. He told me to wake him up when I needed him.
Stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3...

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I love you, but you can't leave me hanging like that!
