Thursday, August 25, 2011

The best baby shower ever

It seriously was.
My mom and sister threw a really lovely shower for me on July 30, when I was 35 weeks pregnant. Now, given that my sister lives 5500 miles away (or so claims the Internet), she did not exactly make it to this party, so my mom made it happen entirely on her own. Pretty dang impressive. My dad helped with all of the manly tasks--like gluing washers on the bottom of rubber ducks to keep them from flipping over and figuring out the dirty deets of how to make a diaper palm tree.
First, the decorations:

The theme was tropical/Hawaiian in case you couldn't tell.

Yes, all of the guests had to wear leis. Leis are surprisngly warm. I'll remember that for this winter in case I can't find a scarf one morning...Or maybe it's because I was 35 weeks pregnant and get nervous when I am the center of attention.

You can see the infamous ducks, though you can't see their ingeniously washered heinies. The favor bags had stuff from Hawaii in them--playing cards, bath salts, macademia nuts, etc.

Behold, the diaper palm tree. Pretty amazing. 10 yards of ribbon and 70 something diapers. I told Mom that she should turn this into a business and then take the baby to Disneyworld with the proceeds. Oh wait, Disneyworld is my Dad's dream--he has claimed that he's taking the baby as soon as she is weaned. We'll see about that.

So the decorations were awesome. But now, let's talk about the food. I probably shouldn't do that given how close it is to dinnertime, but here goes.

Since it was a late morning shower, we ate brunch.

Cinnamon rolls, pickled okra (Okie holdover for Mom), quiches, chicken sausage, fruit galore, deviled eggs, muffins, croissants, lemon poppyseed salad and caprese salad.YUM.

In case you wanted to see me stuffing my face. Aren't my friends pretty?

Dessert! The giant cake you see at the bottom was my gluten free "cupcake." Don't worry, I think it took me at least a few days to consume the whole thing.

Some general party shots:

The classy hostess and her sweaty daughter! She sure knows how to throw a rocking party.

Dear friends! One of whom travelled from Winston-Salem. My mom has always given me a hard time for having tall friends.

(L-R) My aunt in law, mother in law and sister in law, who all travelled from far away, too. You can't really tell from this picture, but our baby will have a cousin who is only 5 months younger!

Not sure why I'm awkwardly grabbing my belly here, but whatevs. Some wonderful friends from Bible study.

I might do a second post with even more pictures, though I'm really hoping to have a 7 or 8 pound excuse not to someday in the near future...Come out and play, baby girl!
Thanks again, Mom, for honoring me and Sparkle Moonbeam in this very special way!

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