Monday, July 25, 2011

A Brief Snippet

One thing that Thomas and I do exceptionally well as dog parents is to ensure that Sullivan gets lots of exercise. He gets two walks per day, plus some "run around in the backyard like a crazy man time with Dad" if he is feeling frisky. This probably means that baby girl will also go on lots of walks since a)we love to get out in the neighborhood and b)Sullivan is much better behaved when he gets his crazies out.
Here is a brief snippet of conversation from our morning walk the other day.

Ashley: (walking along peacefully, trying not to waddle or sweat to death): "Look, there's a lizard on that mailbox!"

Thomas:(wrestling the dog who is trying to eat goose poop and turning around to look): "Oh yeah! But better be careful..."

Ashley: (confused, as we have these little lizard guys all over the place and they seem sweet and harmless): " What? You think it's dangerous?"

Thomas: "Nope. But it might try and sell you car insurance."

And that, my friends, is a verbal snapshot of Team Grooms in action. We made sure to give the tiny reptile a wide berth because who wants to think about car insurance at 7:30 a.m.?

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