Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm back! A mishmash of a post.

So, a little while ago (ahem 2 months ago), my friend Natalie gave me a blog award! Oh, the irony, since I have been such a slack blogger this year. I have sat down many times with bits of posts rattling around in my brain but have been unable to complete anything--obviously you know this if you have checked my blog any time in the last two months!
Well, there is a good reason, or at least a partially good one!

drumroll please....

We're having a baby! Yes, 2011 is the year of babies. I am the 6th teacher at my small Christian school to get pregnant, along with what seems like scores of friends, both real and virtual. I don't have any cute ultrasound pictures yet since our first ultrasound was at 6.5 weeks, meaning the baby looked like a little blob (a cute, sweet blob, but a blob nonetheless).
I am 15 weeks and feeling pretty good, although every time I think that I'm over the *"morning" sickness, it rears its ugly head again.
We are excited and terrified, and we can't wait to see who this little person is that God has blessed us with in late August or early September.
This blog will not turn into a pregnancy blog, but I do want to take time to record fun moments, interesting dreams, weird stories, etc. Grow, Baby G, grow!

On an unrelated note, please pray for the people of Japan. Stay informed, stay connected, and give in whatever ways that you can. This page is a sobering look at the devastation.

*This term is false, as the so-called morning comes to mean any waking hour of the live long day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh just you wait...first it will turn into a pregnancy blog and then a "oh my word i have the cutest baby in the world and i can't help but show him/her off" blog :) And we will LOVE it :)
