Monday, September 6, 2010

Craigslist: welcome to the 21st century

This week marked the completion of our first successful Craigslist sale! The turn around time was less than a week between the original post and the envelope o'cash. What an amazing age we live in! Giving out your address to a random stranger on the Internet who happens to be "interested in your table" does take some faith though, and I made Thomas come home early one day to be here when Jane Doe* showed up. She was completely not scary of course, and even brought along two cute kiddos.

Thomas in particular shed a few (metaphorical) tears over the sale of this set--it was one of his first "adult" purchases, and we certainly have a lot of fun memories of meals, game nights, etc. It was part of his "furniture trosseau," aptly named by a friend in light of Thomas' unusually huge inventory of stuff, and boy am I glad that he has good taste!

It was fun having two dining room tables for a while and made hosting several large group gatherings much easier. It is nice having our front entry way back though...

*name changed to protect the innocent

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