Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bathroom Re-Do, Part One

So, I had a blogging fail early this summer when we started our bathroom remodeling and I forgot to take any before pictures. lame, lame, lame. No wonder my little blog just lopes along.
Anyhow, it has been quite a project--light fixtures, faucets, paint, window treatments, art and last but not least: the floor. I scored some sweet deals; my mom and I sweated through some painting projects; Thomas did lighting, plumbing and pretty much everything else (because he is awesome).
Here is a picture of the bare floor (some sort of mortar-covered base level....obviously I am very informed about these things...). Thomas, my dad and our friend Kevin ripped up our old ceramic tile with crowbars. It was manly. It was sweaty. It was awesome. It took them about 4 hours. I did important things like making sure that Sullivan did not get crowbar-ed and that no one died of thirst or hunger.
I look forward to bringing you the second installment of this post: our awesome new stone floors, as well as the story of how we acquired the stone in the first place. whoa. I know you're all pinned to the edge of your seat.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog!! You're such a great writer :). Also...didn't know you guys were redoing the fun! And I am pinned to the edge of my seat...I look forward to seeing the finished project!
