Friday, September 4, 2009

The one about the kitchen sink

I have noticed something funny about our new house (our beautiful new home that we are so so happy to be in!). I am hoping that this serves as an excuse for why I have not been blogging recently. Moving across town and starting school again proved to be too much for my new blogging self.
The faucet of our kitchen sink has two settings. The first is a gentle but steady amount of water that increases or decreases as you raise and lower the handle. It is more than capable of cleaning our dishes, hands, and whatever else might fall in it. The other setting is Niagara falls. You press the little button, and all of a sudden the gentle/steady flow turns into a deluge of epic proportions. You become instantly soaked as the water sprays uncontrollably off of whatever object it happens to come into contact with--especially if said item is tilted at any sort of angle.
If you recall my post about being on a boat going 40 mph in a rainstorm, you can apply similar ideas here.
Having observed these facts about our sink, I have also observed that the little buttons that create each setting may as well be labeled M and F. I think that my preference for the first setting is fairly obvious at this point, so it follows that Thomas never uses the sink without pressing the other button. He appears happy to leave the kitchen looking like he has just stepped off of Noah's Ark, marveling at the speed at which he completed the dishwashing because of the "amazing water pressure."
So, if you come to our house, be warned. If Thomas was the last one at the helm in the kitchen, you will get soaked (and quickly!)

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