Thursday, March 1, 2012

In which I prove that I am watching too much Downton Abbey

I really should be folding laundry right now (the excitement never ends around here!), but thought I'd pop in for a quick blog post first.
My lack of blogging in the past few weeks can be attributed mainly to a)temporary absence of my muse and b) an erratic nap schedule from my favorite baby. The combination of these two is pretty much paralyzing for me as a blogger.
Mainly, I've been busy playing on the floor with my newly minted six month old (half a year! amazing!); pulling my dog's head out of Lillian's toy basket during aforementioned playtimes; taking long walks that involve lots of dog and stroller juggling; and watching Downton Abbey and Sherlock. I am definitely an Anglophile when it comes to entertainment, be it TV, movies, books, music...Thomas and I burned through Series 2 of DA in a (long) weekend, and somehow managed not to neglect our child. Kudos to us. Sherlock is equally brilliant (see what happens when you watch too much British TV?) and loads of fun. Let me know if you have a theory on what happened in The Reichenbach Fall.

In perusing the Internets today, I came across this piece of property that is currently for sale for a cool 980 thousand pounds. I'm thinking we can transform it into our own Downton Abbey--anyone want to come on board as our servants? We'll have to do a bit of reno work of course, but we promise to give you Christmas lunch AND New Year's Eve off, just like the Granthams. 

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