Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pop quiz!

Sad to say it, but I am a fairly worthless blog post. Forgive me, faithful blog reader (s). I think my mom and my husband read this, so there are at least two of you. :P
Now that school is out, I hope to be a more diligent poster. Plus, soon there will be a cute baby girl to post pictures of! eek preposition at the end of a sentence.

Let's see, what have the Grooms' been up to lately? Here is a multiple choice quiz.

1. In the month of May, which of the following exciting things happened to the Grooms'?
a. Thomas got a long overdue haircut and observed his 28 1/6 birthday. He also continued to be the best husband and dog daddy ever.
b. Sullivan was nominated by Ashley and Thomas as "most likely to be a cat in a dog suit."
c. Ashley finished the school year with a bang (and a surprise baby shower!) and began a new season of life, currently known as "I feel lazy right now but know that not working will make sense when the baby arrives."
d. Started working on the nursery and loaded up the baby girl's closet with gifts from two lovely baby showers.
e. Enjoyed hosting several of Ashley's college friends (yay for Audrey, Jess, Alli, Katie and Gavin!) on three different weekends.

Have your answer ready?

Congratulations, if you picked "all of the above" (which was tricksily not an answer choice), then you are correct!
Here is question #2, the final question. It's going to be harder.

Which of the following things happened to Thomas and Ashley in June?
a. We joined a hair band and began touring the country. Rock on, man.
b. We traveled to Colorado and enjoyed 10 days of blissful, child free traveling while trying to calmly envision how our lives will change. "HA!" says everyone who already has children.
c. We gave Sullivan away and bought 10 cats instead.
d. Thomas celebrated six years at Blackbaud.

Okay, how did you fare?

Yep, b and d it is! We would no sooner give away Sullivan than we would our baby girl, so option c is clearly out. Not to mention the cats.
And since it is only halfway through June, more excitement is to come. And more blog posts, methinks.
Stay tuned for a pregnancy update, pictures from Colorado and in process pictures of the nursery!

By the way, the picture is of Sullivan stalking our day lilies in the backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Ash, I just laughed about 5 times reading this. Which is 5 more times than I've laughed all weekend. Thomas and JanFran aren't the only people who read your blog :)
