Wednesday, October 14, 2009

fall merriment

Here is a picture of Thomas from Halloween two years ago. Notice the wide grin and FIRE. We are hosting a Halloween party this year (my how things change in a short amount of time!), and Thomas' first contribution to party planning was "Well it's a good thing that we have a nice wide street in front of the house. And lots of lighters. That way, we can easily light everyone's pumpkin on fire in the street!"
This is how I understand it: pumpkins=fun.
anything+ fire= lots and lots of fun

I'll be happy to let him handle that part...I will just enjoy playing with the goopy pumpkin stuff and probably do mature things like pretending it's alive, eating my hands, etc.

On a completely unrelated note, I just finished chewing 7 pieces of gum. In one hour. And each piece was divided in half. (you do the math).
Yikes. I think this is why I usually don't buy gum. My jaw would probably go on strike if I did (can't you just see all the muscles and tendons holding tiny picket signs?)

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I love how your life and mine are totally, completely different...and how they really aren't.

    You know how I don't like to chew gum either...the BarBri table has a lot of chiclets available, and I took some yesterday and chewed them all. All 20-30 of them. In an hour and twenty minute class. Oh my.
